Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Morning Movies

As I sit here watching "Tommy Boy", I can't stop reminiscing about the hundreds of movies I've filled up countless Sunday mornings with. "The Breakfast Club", "Mallrats" and "Dazed and Confused" are on at least every weekend without fail. "The Shawshank Redemption", "Casino" and "The Usual Suspects" are great for weekends plagued with bad weather, but are harder to find than the previous three. Stumbling upon personal favorites may be the best part of the whole "Sunday Morning Movie" phenomenon. "Batman Begins", "American Beauty" and "Team America: World Police" round out a small list of gems I've uncovered whilst lazing around on my sofa. "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is best enjoyed lying hands behind head à la it's DVD cover. While other moves like "Mighty Ducks", Both "Happy Gilmour" and "Billy Maddison", and the previously stated "Tommy Boy" make great background noise fitting for homework, reading or as I am presently doing blogging.

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