Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Website Of The Year

The Goodfoot Blog - They somehow always post a sale flyer when I come into some money. Geez!
The Sports Hernia Blog - Sports hasn't been this funny since I watched Little Giants and The Big Green back-to-back.
Friends Of ZachMorrisism,
Of The Year,
Comic Book Of The Year

Kick-Ass #5-7 (#8 available February 17th 2010) - Dave Lizewski's world is all that he ever wanted; A true superhero tale of bravery and creation through perseverance. But he's not ready for any of it. Creator Mark Millar has made the bumbling character in comic books cool like Seth Rogen did in films. As Kick-Ass progresses, events unravel that make the initial four comics books look like Archies.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Music Video Of The Year
This year was full of visually stunning music videos. With the internet becoming the modern day MTV, videos range in quality and style. My favourite(s) this year would have to be the video(s) for "Two" by Grizzly Bear. Grizzly Bear's choral sound is emphasized by this video. Not any overly eventful video but well worth waiting around for the climax. The song alone is worth waiting around. In a time where video's are once again changing and evolving, Grizzly Bear inspired two equally beautiful videos. Patrick Daughters teamed up with Grizzly Bear to create the video above. While independent director Gabe Askew directed the video bellow on his own.
Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear from Gabe Askew on Vimeo.
Major Lazer ft Andy Milonakis - Zumbie (Video)
Kanye West ft KiD CuDi - Welcome to Heartbreak (Video)
M83 - We Own The Sky (Video)
KiD CuDi - Day N' Nite
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Accessory Of The Year

Something like this makes every high school's John Bender character well up a bit. The ultimate statement of bad-assness - publicly exhibiting one's underwear. From the very bright and cheery fredflare.com the Handerpants are made of a cotton-spandex blend to keep your not-so-private parts warm.
Dee and Ricky anything - I contemplate daily going to Toys R' Us and buying lego to make my own Dee and Ricky style broach. These guys really see the fun in fashion and it's fun to watch their rise on their blog.
Fedoras, Pork Pies, Boaters, and Bowlers - Not top hats though. (Exception: T-Pain)
Beards - Not only because I have one. Because I AM one.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
...Of The Year
Like I did last year I will be compiling a list of ten "...Of The Year" over the next few weeks. Last years categories included; Music Video, Movie, TV Show, Hate, Comic Book, Website, Overall Favourite, and "Other Categories". This year I may switch a few of the "Other Categories". Any suggestions? Check out last years winners under the "December 2008" archive.
Major Collaborators

To celebrate their three year anniversary, Washington, D.C. streetwear purveyors, Major have hooked up two industry heavyweights from opposite coasts. California's The Hundreds have channeled The Cleveland Indian's Wild Thing for their tee. It is simplistic and typical of The Hundreds signature style. New Jersey's Mishka have overloaded their crewneck with logos; the Washington Capitals eagle, the Major M, and their own KWP pyramid and Keep Watch! eyeball. Both are available in limited quantities in store and online.

VIA Mishka Bloglin and The Hundreds
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Dutchess & the Duke - Mary (Video)
I'm so happy when I stumble upon things on the internet. Without the help of StumbleUpon.
Blu & Exile - Blu Collar Workers (Video)
School is wrapping up. The Holidaze is almost over. But I'm still a blue collar worker. Not even a 9-to-5er. I'm a 6-to-11ist.
Gotham Leap

Getting On My Mind...Out Of My Mind

A friend of mine who works in the "music biz" passed along Panic Bomber's album "Getting on My Mind" last week and I've been trying to get it out of my mind ever since. When first listening to the album I felt that Richard Haig, the man behind Panic Bomber and the make-up above, was headed into well-treaded territory. But his ever-changing vocals, memorable lyrics and experimental instrumentation changed my opinion. "Getting on My Mind" is a musical ride through pure emotion and personal dilemmas. Tracks like "A Giant Tortoise" and "Keep Ignoring" set him apart from the hundreds of new artists in the ever expanding Electronica genre. A student of the University of Miami's Music Engineering Technology program he is quickly garnishing praise from local and international fans. Being named The Miami Herald's "Best New Electronica Artist 2009" and selling out shows in London and Glasgow. Check out his official site here and listen to tracks from "Getting on My Mind" at his myspace here.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Forrest Blaster

While most may think that a big, clunky, metal ghetto blaster is the epitome of coolness, I beg to differ. Designer Singgih Kartono's Magno Wooden Radios are beyond cool. Slightly treading into lameness. Made of sustainably grown wood yet adaptable with i-Pod's and other mp3 devices the Magno aims to please all markets. Eco-friends to music buffs. The only question is, does anyone use a radio anymore?
VIA Retro To Go
Berghaus In The House

The numerous in-house testers of Berghaus' outerwear line once took the product to the world's highest peaks and the roughest terrains. This resulted in Berghaus being responsible for producing some of the most durable gear available. The brand has now relaunched these jackets under the title the Berghaus Heritage range and is hoping to reclaim it's spot at the top. With Berghaus' original models and new vibrant colour schemes these jackets are perfect for your streewear-enthusiast adventurer type. Like Indiana Spike Jonze.
VIA Wallpaper*
Angus and Julia Stone - And The Boys (Video)
Julia Stone's childlike voice reminiscent of Lykke Li pulled me into this song immediately. The video treatment was a secondary factor.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Fo-Hunned (400)
Yet another nerd-worthy accomplishment for ZachMorrisism. Four hundred posts, four hundred and one including this. To celebrate I deleted some "Friends of ZachMorrisism" that are no longer updating and added some websites I have recently begun perusing daily; The Sports Hernia, Elbows and People of Wal-Mart. Thanks for your continued readership and continue to enjoy your Holidaze.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friendly Fires - Jump In The Pool (Video)
I need to jump in the pool more often. Get over my fear of getting wet.

Now pretentious, eco-conscious douche bags have another way of bragging beyond their well-worn tag line "I do my part. I drive a Prius." Ontario, the province in which I reside, has decided to issue special license plates to those driving "sustainable cars". The plate will allow the cars driver to use carpool lanes and have access to priority parking spots at select locations. That's right Ministry of Transportation Ontario put another log on the smug fire. It will soon engulf us all.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
No Age - Losing Feeling (Video)
Famous mice only come every once in a while. Mickey, Mighty, Jerry, Fievel all round out a selective list. Could No Age's Drummer/Singer Dean Allen Spunt be the next rodent of choice? Or will Remy from Ratatouille finally break mice-rat barriers?
Camera Has A New Perspective

Erin Fong, a California College of The Arts student has come up with this concept of the Nova DSLR. Making the camera's structure secondary to it's lens increases shooting angles and makes it look like something out of The Jetsons. Great Christmas present for your boy Elroy!
VIA designboom
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Vampire Weekend - Cousins (Video)
Vampire Weekend are back with their sophomore disc in January. For now tide yourself over with the video for "Cousins" the second single after "Horchata" the ballad about the grounded almond beverage.
X-Large X Everybody

Streetwear brand X-Large are quickly becoming sought after collaborators. Recently they have put out product with Disney and Penfield. The most recent collaboration comes as part of a kick off for "Afro Samurai: Resurrection." Seeing that Afro Samurai is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson you know that these mother fucking tees are off the mother fucking chain.
Beauty In The Build-Up
December 1st is here. Day one of the mad dash I like to call the Holidaze. Between now and December 25th I have a lot on my plate, so expect the same amount of posts that I have been putting out lately for the next three or four weeks. After the Holidaze I hope to get back in the swing of things and get back in a daily posting routine. Please continue to follow ZachMorrisism and remember to drink irresponsibly. For without irresponsible drinking we wouldn't have the Saved By The Bell episode "Drinking and Driving" where we all learned a valuable lesson on covering up an auto-accident.
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