As mentioned previously, numerous times, I have a severe hat addiction. I was wearing one of favourite hats one night and had the brilliant idea to begin yelling out a friends car window. Like the shopping bag in "American Beauty" my hat immediately glided through the air before finding a resting place on the road. "Stop the car! I lost my hat! Turn around! I need my hat!" I exclaimed in a manor fitting a junkie who had just lost his favourite syringe. As we turned around the lights of another car blinded me and then, in what seemed like slow motion, ran over my hat. It's "just bought" freshness gone and replaced with a more rounded, wrinkled appearance. As if they had watched all this unfold, New Era came out with a product to revive my once crisp fitteds. The "Re-Cap" cleaning and shaping kit allows caps never to get old like the old people in "Cocoon" and is a must for all true addicts like myself. Hopefully zombie-fying my caps won't end in a post-apocalyptic suburbia.
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